Wednesday, August 26, 2020
A Game of Thrones Chapter Thirty-eight Free Essays
Tyrion You need eat?†Mord asked, glaring. He had a plate of oiled beans in a single thick, stub-fingered hand. Tyrion Lannister was famished, yet he wouldn't let this savage see him recoil. We will compose a custom article test on A Game of Thrones Chapter Thirty-eight or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now â€Å"A leg of sheep would be pleasant,†he stated, from the stack of dirtied straw toward the side of his cell. â€Å"Perhaps a dish of peas and onions, some new heated bread with spread, and a cup of thought about wine to wash it down. Or then again brew, if that’s simpler. I do whatever it takes not to be excessively particular.†â€Å"Is beans,†Mord said. â€Å"Here.†He held out the plate. Tyrion moaned. The turnkey was twenty stone of gross idiocy, with earthy colored spoiling teeth and little dull eyes. The left half of his face was smooth with scar where a hatchet had removed his ear and part of his cheek. He was as unsurprising as he was revolting, yet Tyrion was eager. He came to up for the plate. Mord yanked it away, smiling. â€Å"Is here,†he stated, holding it out past Tyrion’s reach. The diminutive person climbed firmly to his feet, each joint hurting. â€Å"Must we play the equivalent fool’s game with each meal?†He made another snatch for the beans. Mord shambled in reverse, smiling through his spoiled teeth. â€Å"Is here, overshadow man.†He held the plate out at arm’s length, over the edge where the cell finished and the sky started. â€Å"You not need eat? Here. Come take.†Tyrion’s arms were too short to even consider reaching the plate, and he was not going to step that near the edge. All it would take would be a fast push of Mord’s substantial white midsection, and he would wind up a nauseating red splotch on the stones of Sky, as such huge numbers of different detainees of the Eyrie throughout the hundreds of years. â€Å"Come to think on it, I’m not ravenous after all,†he announced, withdrawing to the edge of his cell. Mord snorted and opened his thick fingers. The breeze took the plate, flipping it over as it fell. A bunch of beans showered back at them as the food tumbled far out. The turnkey giggled, his gut shaking like a bowl of pudding. Tyrion felt an ache of fierceness. â€Å"You screwing child of a pox-ridden ass,†he spat. â€Å"I trust you bite the dust of a bleeding flux.†For that, Mord gave him a kick, driving a steel-toed boot hard into Tyrion’s ribs in transit out. â€Å"I take it back!†he wheezed as he multiplied over on the straw. â€Å"I’ll murder you myself, I swear it!†The substantial iron-bound entryway pummeled shut. Tyrion heard the clatter of keys. For a little man, he had been reviled with a perilously large mouth, he reflected as he crept back to his side of what the Arryns ludicrously called their prison. He crouched underneath the dainty cover that was his solitary sheet material, gazing out at a blast of void blue sky and inaccessible mountains that appeared to go on perpetually, wishing he despite everything had the shadowskin shroud he’d won from Marillion at dice, after the vocalist had taken it off the body of that scoundrel boss. The skin had resembled blood and shape, yet it was warm and thick. Mord had taken it the second he looked at it. The breeze pulled at his cover with blasts sharp as claws. His cell was pitiably little, in any event, for a diminutive person. Not five feet away, where a divider should have been, the place a divider would be in a legitimate cell, the floor finished and the sky started. He had a lot of outside air and daylight, and the moon and stars around evening time, yet Tyrion would have exchanged it every one of the a moment for the dankest, gloomiest pit in the entrails of the Casterly Rock. â€Å"You fly,†Mord had guaranteed him, when he’d pushed him into the cell. â€Å"Twenty day, thirty, fifty perhaps. At that point you fly.†The Arryns kept the main cell in the domain where the detainees were free to escape voluntarily. That first day, in the wake of bracing up his mental fortitude for quite a long time, Tyrion had lain level on his stomach and wriggled to the edge, to jab out his head and look down. Sky was 600 feet underneath, with nothing between except for void air. On the off chance that he extended his neck out the extent that it could go, he could see different cells on his right side and left or more him. He was a honey bee in a stone honeycomb, and somebody had removed his wings. It was cold in the cell, the breeze shouted night and day, and to top it all off, the floor slanted. Slightly, yet it was sufficient. He was reluctant to close his eyes, apprehensive that he may turn over in his precarious and wake in abrupt fear as he went sliding off the edge. Little marvel the sky cells made men distraught. Divine beings spare me, some past inhabitant had composed on the divider in something that looked dubiously like blood, the blue is calling. From the start Tyrion pondered who he’d been, and what had happened to him; later, he concluded that he would prefer not know. On the off chance that solitary he had quieted down . . . The pitiable kid had begun it, looking down on him from a seat of cut weirwood underneath the moon-and-bird of prey standards of House Arryn. Tyrion Lannister had been looked down on for his entire life, yet sometimes by rheumy-peered toward six-year-olds who expected to stuff fat pads under their cheeks to lift them to the tallness of a man. â€Å"Is he the awful man?†the kid had asked, grasping his doll. â€Å"He is,†the Lady Lysa had said from the lesser seat adjacent to him. She was all in blue, powdered and perfumed for the admirers who filled her court. â€Å"He’s so small,†the Lord of the Eyrie stated, chuckling. â€Å"This is Tyrion the Imp, of House Lannister, who killed your father.†She raised her voice so it conveyed down the length of High Hall of the Eyrie, ringing off the milk-white dividers and the slim columns, so every man could hear it. â€Å"He slew the Hand of the King!†â€Å"Oh, did I murder him too?†Tyrion had stated, similar to a nitwit. That would have been a generally excellent opportunity to have kept his mouth shut and his head bowed. He could see that now; seven hells, he had seen it at that point. The High Hall of the Arryns was long and grave, with a prohibiting chilliness to its dividers of blue-veined white marble, however the countenances around him had been colder by a long shot. The intensity of Casterly Rock was far away, and there were no companions of the Lannisters in the Vale of Arryn. Accommodation and quietness would have been his best barriers. Be that as it may, Tyrion’s temperament had been unreasonably foul for sense. To his disgrace, he had vacillated during the last leg of their day-long move up to the Eyrie, his hindered legs unfit to take him any higher. Bronn had conveyed him the remainder of the way, and the mortification poured oil on the blazes of his annoyance. â€Å"It would appear I’ve been a bustling little fellow,†he said with harsh mockery. â€Å"I wonder when I found an opportunity to do such an excess of killing and murdering.†He should have recollected who he was managing. Lysa Arryn and her half-normal weakling child had not been known at court for their affection for mind, particularly when it was aimed at them. â€Å"Imp,†Lysa said icily, â€Å"you will monitor that ridiculing tongue of yours and address my child pleasantly, or I guarantee you will have cause to think twice about it. Recollect where you are. This is the Eyrie, and these are knights of the Vale you see around you, genuine men who cherished Jon Arryn well. All of them would kick the bucket for me.†â€Å"Lady Arryn, should any mischief come to me, my sibling Jaime will be satisfied to see that they do.†Even as he spat out the words, Tyrion realized they were imprudence. â€Å"Can you fly, my ruler of Lannister?†Lady Lysa inquired. â€Å"Does a diminutive person have wings? If not, you would be smarter to swallow the following danger that comes to mind.†â€Å"I made no threats,†Tyrion said. â€Å"That was a promise.†Little Lord Robert jumped to his feet at that, so vexed he dropped his doll. â€Å"You can’t hurt us,†he shouted. â€Å"No one can hurt us here. Let him know, Mother, disclose to him he can’t hurt us here.†The kid started to jerk. â€Å"The Eyrie is impregnable,†Lysa Arryn announced serenely. She drew her child close, holding him safe in the hover of her full white arms. â€Å"The Imp is attempting to terrify us, sweet child. The Lannisters are for the most part liars. Nobody will hurt my sweet boy.†Its hellfire was, she was no uncertainty right. Having seen what it took to arrive, Tyrion could well envision how it would be for a knight attempting to battle his way up in defensive layer, while stones and bolts poured down from above and foes challenged with him for each progression. Bad dream didn't start to portray it. Little marvel the Eyrie had never been taken. All things considered, Tyrion had been not able to quietness himself. â€Å"Not impregnable,†he stated, â€Å"merely inconvenient.†Youthful Robert pointed down, his hand trembling. â€Å"You’re a liar. Mother, I need to see him fly.†Two watchmen in sky-blue shrouds held onto Tyrion by the arms, lifting him off his floor. The divine beings just recognize what may have happened then were it not for Catelyn Stark. â€Å"Sister,†she got out from where she remained beneath the seats, â€Å"I beseech you to recollect, this man is my detainee. I won't have him harmed.†Lysa Arryn looked at her sister coolly for a second, at that point rose and cleared down on Tyrion, her long skirts trailing after her. For a moment he dreaded she would strike him, however rather she directed them to discharge him. Her men pushed him to the floor, his legs went free from him, and Tyrion fell. He more likely than not made a serious sight as he battled to his knees, just to feel his correct leg fit, sending him rambling again. Giggling blasted here and there the High Hall of the Arryns. â€Å"My sister’s little visitor is excessively exhausted to stand,†Lady Lysa declared. â€Å"Ser Vardis, bring him down to the cell. A rest in one of our sky cells will do him much good.†The watchmen twitched
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Discussion Board Ford And Taylorism Theory
Question: Talk about the Discussion Board for Ford and Taylorism Theory. Answer: Presentation: The Management is a key capacity of the authoritative exercises. This is the explanation, standards of the logical administration are basic for the firm. Through the thought on the Fayolism and Taylorism, an association can accomplish hierarchical objectives and target in a successful and effective way (Goetsch and Davis, 2014). These are additionally useful in planning the work structure of the association. In the PC, portable, vehicle, medical clinic and café businesses, the utilizations of these standards can be effectively observed much following 70 years of their plan. This blog incorporates the two significant areas. The primary segment is identified with the key discoveries from the thoughts extricated from the Ford and Taylorism hypothesis. Then again, the subsequent area remembers the utilization of these key thoughts for an association. Changes in the Production Process Henry Ford (Founder of Ford vehicle) was a visionary individual. Under his visionary thoughts, the organization entered in association with Alexander Malcomson in 1908. The reason for this arrangement was fabricating vehicle under The Ford Motor Company. Through this arrangement, the organization needed to accomplish cost proficiency in the creation and increment in the piece of the pie. For accomplishing this goal, the organization changed its creation procedures and strategies. During that time, Ford was unequivocally impacted by the standards or technique for the Fredrick Taylor (Ford and Taylor Scientific Management, 2008). Decrease in the Unnecessary Activities at the Workplace The administration hypothesis of the Taylor displays that the profitability of an association can be expanded by limiting the pointless exercises at the work environment. Taylors rule, the time the board is viable to improve the profitability of the laborers (Post and Preston, 2012). As indicated by this rule, every moment of a worker is huge in the work environment for the organization. All the essential hardware and assets ought to be masterminded as sparing the hour of both the worker and friends. Henry utilized this rule in the creation to the incredible degree. In the underlying stage, the organization dissected the basic segments of the creation procedure and after this, the organization masterminded them as indicated by limit the superfluous exercises of the workers (Pearson, 1945). Rebuild the Assembly Line Portage rebuilt its sequential construction system so as to accomplish the effectiveness in the creation and for expanding the creation yield. In this, the organization received a progressive thought. It served to the worker to stay fixed at the working environment. Rather than the representatives moving, body of the vehicle was moving starting with one spot then onto the next spot. Every laborer completed its specific work before move assemblage of vehicle one spot to somewhere else. This procedure was proceeding until a total vehicle was readied. It assisted with fording to lessen the expense of the item and upgrade the creation level (Altenburg and Sullivan, 2012). Alluring Offers for Employees Passage concentrated on the drawing in the forthcoming representative through the contribution a successful bundle to them. The organization embraced the significant salary technique for the hard and genuine specialists with the goal of the holding them for quite a while. Utilization of Modern Technology The organization utilized the cutting edge and programmed innovations in the get together of a vehicle, whose immediate advantage were watched, for example, decreasing the time on the creation of one vehicle. Because of this, the organization had the option to produce record benefit. In the accomplishment of an association, the essential standards of the administration are noteworthy. These standards are viable for the cutting edge the board to stay ahead in the opposition (Post and Preston, 2012). The reception of the rule of the sparing time and endeavors of the individuals is successful to decrease the expense. It drives the organization to build creation amount that can expand the high income (Post and Preston, 2012). In this, the professional stability guideline is likewise recognized so as to keep up the efficiency of the firm. This rule depends on the keep workers cheerful, which help to complete numerous sorts of issues in the business (Lee and Wong, 2013). As worried of current business condition of the Australia, America or Europe, the representatives and specialist would not acknowledge Taylorism in its unique structure. It is on the grounds that the present business depends on the manual work just as upon innovation and robotization. It maintains a strategic distance from the hypothetical idea of the administration. For instance, in call focuses; there is utilization of the principals of the Taylorism. Nonetheless, it is hard to state that the Taylorism hypothesis can be applied in the call community all things considered. It is on the grounds that; the capacity of a call community is partitioned in the offices or people. In the call place, the work is offered to an applicant as indicated by its expertise and specialization. It serves to successfully deal with the capacity of the firm with accomplishing the cost viability (McKinlay and Wilson, 2012). By and by, the entrepreneurs and originators accept on the inventive methods that can lessen the time or cost of the creation (DeWinter, et al., 2014). And yet, a few impacts would see as the administration firm and make the coordination of the various exercises of the firm. There are different ventures over the world, which are required to the use of the Taylorism hypothesis so as to since quite a while ago run. The logical administration was presented the 100 years back by Frederick Taylor. The rules that come in it, they keep the effect on the business procedure. These standards assume a huge job in the easily running business. The Taylorism based standards are underneath: Science, Not Rule of Thumb Agreement, Not Discord Collaboration, Not Individualism Advancement of Each and Every Person to His/Her Greatest Efficiency and Prosperity (Grachev, M. furthermore, Rakitsky, 2013) Reference Altenburg, K. also, Sullivan, S., (2012) A matter of rule: Heritage the board in Australia and China. Notable Environment, 24(1), p.41. DeWinter, J., Kocurek, C.A. what's more, Nichols, R. (2014) Taylorism 2.0: Gamification, logical administration and the industrialist allocation of play. Diary of Gaming Virtual Worlds, 6(2), pp.109-127. Passage and Taylor Scientific Management (2008) You Tube: Available at: (Accessed: 22 August 2016). Goetsch, D.L. what's more, Davis, S.B. (2014) Quality administration for hierarchical greatness. UK: pearson. Grachev, M. what's more, Rakitsky, B., (2013) Historic skylines of Frederick Taylor's logical administration. Diary of Management History, 19(4), pp.512-527. Lee, R.C. also, Wong, S.L.C. eds. (2013) Asian America. Net: ethnicity, patriotism, and the internet. UK: Routledge. McKinlay, A. also, Wilson, J. (2012) All they lose is the shout: Foucault, Ford and large scale manufacturing. The executives Organizational History, 7(1), pp.45-60. Pearson, Norman M. (1945) Fayolism as the Necessary Complement of Taylorism, American Political Science Association, 39(1), pp. 68-80 ( Post, J. also, Preston, L. (2012) Private administration and open arrangement: The standard of open duty. USA: Stanford University Press.
Monday, August 17, 2020
Urban Legends, Myths and Tall Tales - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
Urban Legends, Myths and Tall Tales - UGA Undergraduate Admissions Urban Legends, Myths and Tall Tales Alligators in the sewers. Sasquatch. The Loch Ness Monster.These are some of the most popular Urban Legends and Myths that get passed on from generation to generation as stories that people swear are true because it happened to a friend of a friend of mine. The popular website dispels many of these as untrue or at a minimum embellished stories.Allow us to add another: Admission to the University of GeorgiaWhen speaking with students, counselors, alumni and parents, we often are asked questions that indicate there is a great deal of misinformation regarding what WILL or WILL NOT help a student gain admission to the University of Georgia. Usually, the exchange begins with a student approaching us and saying: I heard that.. or Is it true that... I have to admit that some of the myths that I have heard make me chuckle and some make me cringe to think that students may be basing their application strategy on incorrect information. The college admissions process creat es enough anxiety among students and parents as it is. These rumors sometimes only heighten that anxiety.Just a few of the most popular Admissions Urban Legends we hear:Admission quotas by state, county, high school, zip code or astrological sign? MythEasier to get admitted Early Action vs. Regular Decision? MythMinimum GPA, SAT, ACT or AP courses required for admission? MythCertain majors in which it is easier to gain admission than others? MythThe best advice that we can give you is to review the Admissions website for information regarding the admissions process to UGA and to speak with your guidance counselor. Apply to colleges based on what you know, not what you have heard third hand.In the meantime, stay away from the sewers just in case there are alligators down there.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Sojourner Truth Quotes
Sojourner Truth was born a slave and became a popular spokesperson for abolition, womens rights, and temperance. A history-maker from the start - she was the first black woman to win a court case against a white man when she won custody of her son after running away - she became one of the eras best known figures. Her famous Aint I a Woman? speech is known in several variants, because Sojourner Truth herself did not write it down; all copies of the speech come from secondhand sources at best. It was delivered at the Womens Convention in Akron, Ohio on May 29, 1851, and was first published in the Anti-Slavery Bugle on June 21, 1851. Truths public life and remarks contained many quotations that have endured throughout time. Selected Sojourner Truth Quotations And aint I a woman?There is a great stir about colored men getting their rights, but not a word about the colored women; and if colored men get their rights, and not colored women theirs, you see the colored men will be masters over the women, and it will be just as bad as it was before. So I am for keeping the thing going while things are stirring; because if we wait till it is still, it will take a great while to get it going again. -- Equal Rights Convention, New York, 1867It is the mind that makes the body.If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, these women together ought to be able to turn it back, and get it right side up again! And now they is asking to do it, the men better let them.Truth burns up error.Where did your Christ come from? From God and a woman! Man had nothing to do with Him.Religion without humanity is poor human stuff. Two Versions, One Speech Truths most famous speech, Aint I A Woman, was passed down through history in a decidedly different version than the one she originally delivered. During the American Civil War, her remarks regained popularity and was republished in 1863 by Frances Dana Barker Gage. This version was translated into a stereotypical dialect of slaves from the South, whereas Truth herself was raised in New York and spoke Dutch as a first language. Gage also embellished Truths original remarks, exaggerating claims (for instance, claiming that Truth had had thirteen children when the real Truth had five). Gages version includes a framing device depicting a hostile crowd won over by Truths almost miraculous speech. It also contrasts the regular English spoken by bystanders with the heavy dialect of Gages version of Truth: Dat man ober dar say dat womin needs to be helped into carriages, and lifted ober ditches, and to hab de best place everywhar. Nobody eber helps me into carriages, or ober mud-puddles, or gibs me any best place! And raising herself to her full height, and her voice to a pitch like rolling thunders, she asked And ant I a woman? Look at me! Look at me! Look at my arm! (and she bared her right arm to the shoulder, showing her tremendous muscular power). I have ploughed, and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me! And ant I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man - when I could get it - and bear de lash a well! And ant I a woman? I have borne thirteen chilern, and seen em mos all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mothers grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ant I a woman?  In contrast, the original transcription, written down by Marius Robinson (who attended the convention where Truth spoke), depicts Truth as speaking standard American English, without markers of an accent or dialect. The same passage reads: I want to say a few words about this matter. I am a womans rights. I have as much muscle as any man, and can do as much work as any man. I have plowed and reaped and husked and chopped and mowed, and can any man do more than that? I have heard much about the sexes being equal. I can carry as much as any man, and can eat as much too, if I can get it. I am as strong as any man that is now. As for intellect, all I can say is, if a woman have a pint, and a man a quart – why cant she have her little pint full? You need not be afraid to give us our rights for fear we will take too much, – for we cant take more than our pintll hold. The poor men seems to be all in confusion, and dont know what to do. Why children, if you have womans rights, give it to her and you will feel better. You will have your own rights, and they wont be so much trouble. I cant read, but I can hear. I have heard the Bible and have learned that Eve caused man to sin. Well, if woman upset the world, do gi ve her a chance to set it right side up again. Sources History of Woman Suffrage, ed. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Matilda Joslyn Gage, 2nd ed., Rochester, NY: 1889.Mabee, Carleton, and Susan Mabee Newhouse. Sojourner Truth: Slave, Prophet, Legend. NYU Press, 1995.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Essay on The Vindication of Rights of Women - 1373 Words
In Mary Wollstonecraft’s essay â€Å"A Vindication of the Rights of Women†she constantly compares men and women. Her comparisons range from their physical nature to their intelligence, and even down to the education that each sex receives. Wollstonecraft states, â€Å"In the government of the physical world it is observable that the female in point of strength is, in general, inferior to the male.†(line 1.35-37) to show that women are inferior to men in physicality, and a number of areas throughout the essay, yet through it all she voices her concerns for the rights of women and how well deserved they are. Throughout mankind’s history there has been an obvious bias towards men. Men have always been deemed superior†¦show more content†¦In Wollstonecraft’s statement she says that men make women alluring objects for ‘a moment’, for a moment, so when the men are done using their women they are no longer useful to them; it’s not right. This kind of treatment has been going on ever since the beginning of humankind, so Mary Wollstonecraft decided to stand of for her fellow women. Even in modern society there is still bias towards women, it might be at work, in politics, in school, or even at home. Even 200 years later after Mary Wollstonecraft wrote her essay, there are still close-minded, and biased people. In her essay, she says, â€Å"†¦women, intoxicated by the adoration which men, under the influence of their senses, pay them, do not seek to obtain a durable interest in their heart, or to become the friends of the fellow creatures who find amusement in their society.†(lines 1.41-44), and this statement is as true today as it was two centuries ago. She is right, even today there are women that aid in their own degradation, they allow men to treat them like tools, and they do not care. The values of finding a man and truly winning his heart have not been instilled in these women thereforeShow MoreRelatedA Vindication Of The Rights Of Women1560 Words  | 7 Pagesit was not until 1920 that women were granted suffrage. To put that in perspective, in the United States, women have been voting for less than 100 years. With Mary Wollstonecraft’s book, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman: with Strictures on Political and Moral Subjects being published in 1792 and launching 19th century feminism and the fight for women’s rights going since then, many would think that equality would be here by now.Unfortunately, it is not. However, women did receive suffrage in theRead MoreThe Vindication Of The Rights Of Women1369 Words  | 6 Pagesaddresses the work of Mary Wollstonecraft, The Vindication of the Rights of Women. To investigate this, I will first summarize her work and someone else s interpretation of it, then analyze the author, voice, message and significance, and finally analyze the two works to answer the question, What are the current ideas about your philosopher? How have their ideas influenced us today?. My first souce will be the primary source of the Vindication, and my secondary source will be Matilde MartinRead MoreA Vindication Of The Rights Of Women981 Words  | 4 Pagessentimental romances, and by the misogynistic images of women perpetuated in, for instance, Milton’s Paradise Lost†(Gilbert Gubar 41). In the second chapter of A Vindication of the Rights of Women, Wollstonecraft discusses her frustration when it comes to women’s ignorance. She does not understand why men are frustrated when it comes to the ignorance of women. Women during this time were not raised to be observant or mindful (Wollstonecraft 43). They are taught how to needlepoint or play the pianoRead MoreA Vindication Of The Rights Of Women921 Words  | 4 Pagesthat another problem has risen. Mary Wollstonecraft, a social and political activist for women’s rights, addressed a lette r to a former bishop to present a case of equality in relation to France’s government and societal restrictions imposed on women. As a sequel to her previous piece, â€Å"A Vindication of The rights of Women†, Wollstonecraft took the liberty to propose multiple reasons as to why women’s rights are essential to the well-being of not only men, but also as necessary for society to functionRead MoreA Vindication Of The Rights Of Women1350 Words  | 6 PagesWomen in London played a vital role in setting the foundation for the future of women’s rights in Western Civilization. Not only were barriers broken within London, but they became very influential to the future of the liberation movement for women. Interestingly enough, they are believed to be one of the erectors of modern day feminism. Mary Wollstonecraft was an ebullient advocate for women’s rights during the Enlightenment. During this time period, Wollstonecraft taught a new philosophy regard ingRead More`` A Vindication Of The Rights Of Women ``908 Words  | 4 PagesWhere would we be without individuals like John Locke, Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson? Without them, certain elements and ways of thinking that we know today, such as natural rights, would not be evident in society. These individuals were part of a group of philosophers, scientists, and writers who urged for the upbringing of new concepts based on logic. This period was known as the Age of Enlightenment which took place throughout the 18th century in Europe. During this timeRead MoreA Vindication Of The Rights Of Women1924 Words  | 8 Pages In the 18th century, women had virtually no rights. They were not allowed to work or vote. Instead, women were subjected to the household: cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children. Consequently, women who were tired of being subjugated by society created the feminist movement. Feminism is the fight for the equality of the sexes. Throughout this fight, there had been several texts written to illuminate the many struggles of women and the ways to resolve these struggles. Among the firstRead MoreA Vindication Of The Rights Of Women By Mary Wollstonecraft1192 Words  | 5 Pagesplaces upon her. Inspired by the writing, A Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen, which demanded equal rights for both men and women, Wollstonecraft published her book, A Vindication of the Rights of Women, which called for both men and women to realize their roles concerning inequality. The book also allowed for Wollstonecraft to express her ideas and methods for the improvement of equality between the sexes. Vindication went on to print many times throughout the 18th and 19th centuriesRead MoreWomen And Material Things : The Vindication Of The Rights Of Women997 Words  | 4 PagesAssignment 2 December 6, 2014 Women and Material things The Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft is a compelling arguement that argues for equality for women in society. The Weaver’s Complaint Against the Callico Madams explains outcome of women’s with equal rights would do to society. Sanshiro written by Natsume Soski, focuses the details and experience of his life spent at a prestigious Tokyo University. Three of these readings relate to women and material things because theyRead More Wollstonecrafts A Vindication of the Rights of Women Essay1291 Words  | 6 Pagesher worth. During the Enlightenment, some women began to question this norm and to voice their unhappiness. The Enlightenment period was an intellectual movement that sought to reform society and advance knowledge (â€Å"Age of Enlightenment†). Even with all of the Enlightenment’s great advancements, women still did not possess many rights. Women continued to be â€Å"oppressed and kept to the private sphere,†separa ted from men (â€Å"Women in the Enlightenment†). Few women challenged these social norms, but a few
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Poultry Management System Free Essays
A management system is the framework of processes and procedures used to ensure that an organization can fulfill all tasks required to achieve its objectives. Businesses today are developing and upgrading their system into more high level system to lessen the time and effort of performing their complex jobs. Comparing to their old system like their MS Excel System in inventory, sales, monitoring and production they are now implementing a system that manages all their complex transactions. We will write a custom essay sample on Poultry Management System or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the global arena, Willmar Poultry Company (WPC), one of the largest turkey poultry producers in United States operates in the production of turkeys and other livestock. Moreover, they prefer to have a solution which both strong in manufacturing and financing area. Further, they want to streamline data entry and reporting, increase in flexibility and functionality, and improve data access and decision making capabilities. So, in managing all their diverse transaction, WPC implemented the system, Microsoft Business Solutions-Axapta. (Willmar Poultry Company, 2000) In the national scene, Maya farms, a large integrated farm located some 40 km from the city of Manila. It maintains some 60,000 pigs, 12,000 egg-type chickens and a few hundred heads of cattle. Soon after the embargo in 1973, Maya farms started experimenting on the industrial uses of biogas generated from the manure produced by their livestock. It developed systems that enabled the farm to use methane gas from the manure as substitute for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and as source of energy to run internal combustion engines that power its deep-well water pumps, feed mixers and generators and some other electric equipment in the farm. After they succeeded the implementation of the biogas, they developed a system that focuses on their transactions especially on their purchasing, selling and giving inventory in mid 90’s. After several years of developing new system that would manage their fast growing farm, they successfully implemented their new system â€Å"Livestock Inventory System†which caters to their diverse transactions like purchasing and selling of chickens and other livestock. (Integrated Livestock – Fish Production System, 2000) Locally, a company that maintains egg-type chickens in their farm is (LBF) Lacia Breeder Farm located at Taglono, Toril, Davao City. The farm seeks innovative ways to improve the health of their breeding stock. Moreover, the farm needs faster decision making, secured records, and powerful reporting every time they see and need the data. Since, they are using MS Excel System in recording and processing their transaction they encountered problems that would prolong their decision making in improving the farm. Moving forward, Lacia Breeder Farm’s passion for innovation continues as they seek out and discover new technology that will provide them with distinct competitive advantages necessary in providing the highest quality poultry at the greatest value to the customers and consumers. Hence, they recognize that the future is only a day away and are always considering new ideas and technology as they continue their relentless commitment to innovation. In response to their innovation, the researchers have proposed a system called Poultry Management System that would help the farm in managing their diverse transactions. Statement of the Problem The Lacia Breeder Farm (LBF) is using MS Excel for their transactions in the farm. While, using the old system, LB Farm encounter problems which cause them delay in transacting businesses of the farm. Moreover, in using the their existing system for a long period of time there is a need of a reliable, secure and fast management system to handle their diverse transactions and to strengthen their operations. Based on our interviews of the farm manager, the problems found upon using their existing system have been identified. There is a delay in generating reports. Upon using the MS Excel application, it would take several days in producing reports because the management still has to gather all the data. They have to encode all the gathered data and looked to their columnar to check if the reports and data are the same as recorded in their columnar book. They also have to encode each data again and again in every transaction that they have done and categorized each data into particular reports. Duplication of data is essential for back-up purposes but in this case, LBF produced a redundant report that would delay them in their decision making. Thus, in determining the history of their transactions and reports of their inventory still they have to scroll over their old system and find the necessary data of that particular report. Moreover, this could cause the disorganization of reports that would hinder their operation. It would also delay them to generate reports, since the data will not be automatically updated in their MS Excel System. Stocks are not monitored properly. Since they are using the Microsoft Excel for the monitoring of their feeds and medicines, the farm management encountered a problem in determining if there is still available stock in their stockroom because in Microsoft Excel, although it calculates the remaining stocks, the management still needs constant monitoring to their MS Excel just to determine if there are stocks available. Moreover, if this happened they will check the stockroom how many feeds and medicines available. They have to calculate again from their columnar and notebooks the consumed feeds and medicines to determined the availability of the stocks. There is miscalculation of data that leads to inaccurate result. While using the MS Excel System, the management is hesitant to use the formula for their MS Excel because sometimes it will be modified by the user. There are also instances that they are confused on the accuracy of the result of their MS Excel System because the user or the manager inputs a wrong formula that makes the calculation inaccurate and it can only be identified once double-checked. This would also create confusion in determining the stock’s availability and accuracy of the files and records in inventory of their products. The records and files are misplaced. The daily, weekly, monthly and yearly reports are misplaced for once it had been recorded in their MS Excel and printed, the hard copy will be compiled in a folder without label and placed on top of the table because they don’t have proper cabinet for storage. Some records are thrown in the garbage if it is assorted to the old files and it is hard to find the files for it was thrown away. Some records are also misplaced by the manager for he will bring them in their main office in Panabo; sometimes he left them on his car or misplaced somewhere else. This is why files and records are hard to find during retrieval. Furthermore, they will consume too much time in retrieving the misplaced files because they have to scan all their unlabeled folders, to their assorted files and in case of lost of file/s. They have to scroll over to their MS Excel System just to find the needed data because some data and files are in the farm and others are in the main office at Panabo which took so long because of the distance between the farm and the office. And also, they have to check on their columnar book back again to get the files that were lost. Files are unsecured. The files that are supposed to be viewed and accessed only by the manager are viewed and accessed by unauthorized personnel due to lack of security privacy of their MS Excel system. Based on what we have seen in their MS Excel System, they don’t have a security like asking password every time they accessed the files. When the manager is not in the office, the caretaker or employee could view and access the confidential files and could even change and erase the data recorded. They could easily hacked on other files which is not supposed to be accessed by unauthorized personnel since it is easy to accessed the system because of the lacking of security. Even, they could ruin the entire program or changing the program set up. And, change the formula which leads to a wrong output. There are also chances of data lost once it was accessed by the caretaker or other employee. The manager has to evaluate again the encoded data to double check and to ensure the files that have not been purge and change. Assumption of the Study This study aims to develop the management system of Lacia Breeder Farm to provide fast and accurate farm transaction. Based on the identified problem, this study assumes to: Generate accurate and particular reports in every transaction. Through using this management system, it would give them a report on a particular transaction. This would help them to analyze and decide what the next move to further improve their farm. Moreover, this would lessen the encoding process of the data because it can generate automatically the reports after the data are encoded. It will not block any operations of the farm because it can generate reports easily. Thus, this system automatically updated reports that needed on particular operations. Provide convenient way of monitoring the stocks. Through using this management system, it would give the management an update monitoring of the stocks availability. This would lessen the work in encoding, retrieving and processing manually all the data encoded and needed. Provide a system that can give accurate calculation of data. This gives proper calculation of data and gives accurate result since the formula is embedded and cannot be accessed by someone else. Hence, it would determine, give accurate result and proper calculation of the stock remained in the stockroom. Provide proper storage for all records and files. This management system provide proper storage for it has a big storage system which the database of the system. It would help the management in easily searching the files that are lost. It provides an update detail of the files and records to be retrieve. Further, it fastens the time consumed in retrieving data. And, they will not anymore scan all the files, records and columnar book just to find the needed lost data. Provide a system that has security like asking password. It would not allow any user to access the system to secure all the file/s and record/s inside. It will give the management a better and safe data for further uses. Hence, only those registered users can access, view and add data. These would be a great help for the farm for they do not have anymore double check the records and files for it is secure. Thus, categorized personnel have their own category in accessing the data for example; the manager can access all the detailed, confidential and important data while other users have a limitation. Review of Related Literature To provide a background and framework of the investigation, selected literature related to the study are presented in this section. These include theories, systems, principles, concepts and views, which have a direct bearing to the variables of the study. Poultry is any domestic fowls, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, or geese, raised for food, meat or eggs (Grolier New Webster’s Dictionary) is the main product of the poultry farm before developing any computerized information system to manage the transactions accurately and reliably. Based on the research, the following are the factors should be considered in managing the farm which is important in developing a system for poultry farm and to understand the processes involved (Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, 2005). Hatching. The development of a mechanical setter and Hatcher has permitted the large scale production of chicks with little labor. While many of the eggs produced on the farms are unfertilized, only those eggs which are fertilized will hatch. Fertilized eggs can be purchased from breeding operations, or by the successful mating of a rooster and a hen by natural methods or by using artificial insemination. Turkey production relies on the use of artificial insemination to produce fertile eggs. The continuous genetic selection for turkeys with large breast muscling has resulting in many breeds which are no longer capable of copulating because of their large and awkward size. How to cite Poultry Management System, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Cad/Cam free essay sample
Midterm Project Report Project Goals The goal of this project was to help students become familiar with a program created by the company Siemens called NX, specifically versions 8. 0 and 8. 5. Somewhat similar to the program SolidWORKS, NX allows the user to create sketches of simple and complex objects, and then create a 3-D model of the object. Also, an assembly of these models can be made by assigning constraints to create an overall 3-D assembly model. This project was made to utilize NX in order to create an assembly model of a skateboard, made of 6 different parts: The Bearing, The Board, The Bushing, The Connection, The Shaft, and The Wheel. Some parts were easier than others, such as the Shaft, which just required a sketch of a circle to be extruded to a certain length. Others required much more commands, such as the Connection and the Bearing, which required a sweep and many other constraints. Before the project was assigned, students were given many homework assignments that required them to create a part using NX, which didn’t require many commands. Over time, these assignments became more and more challenging, requiring more and more commands. After these parts were modeled, students were taught how to create an assembly using the parts modeled, which use constraints to keep them together such as Concentric, Touch Align, and Center. In order to model the 6 parts of the Skateboard Assembly, students were given IGS files as a reference. These files allowed students to open them in NX and use the Drafting environment to infer dimensions to recreate the part on their own. Dimensions in the sketches were the most important, especially when putting the board together, as dimensions that were not proportional to one another could cause an error in the assembly environment when assigning constraints. Background The following parts were used in the overall skateboard assembly: The Bearing, The Board, The Bushing, The Connection, The Shaft, and The Wheel. The Board is the main part of the assembly, which the rest of the parts are built top down. On the bottom of the board, the connections are placed in line with the holes and attached to the skateboard. The connection allows the Bearing and the Bushing to be placed into the assembly. After the connection is in place, the bushing is placed into the appropriate space, where it keeps the bearing at a horizontal angle. The Bearing is then placed into the opposite space of the connection, where it is inserted until the bottom of the bearing is touching the bushing. The Bearing allows for the Shaft to be put into place. When the bearing is put into place, the shaft is inserted making the opposite ends equidistant from the center of the bearing. By making the centers of the Bearing and the Shaft aligned with each other, the wheels are placed at an equal distance, which allows for motion of the Board, completing the assembly of the Skateboard. Solid CAD Model The Board Figure 1a To start off the skateboard, the top half of the sketch (above the XC axis) was created, and then mirrored across the XC axis, shown in Figure 1a. The Concentric tool was used to make sure the circles shown were of equal radius, and a rectangle (not shown) was drawn to ensure the distances were correct. Figure 1b After the sketch is created, it is then extruded to a depth of 0. inches. No Boolean operation is necessary since the board is being extruded out of the sketch. It is important that there is no protruding lines or open areas in your sketch, as it will make the sketch unable to extrude. The Bushing Figure 2a To start off the bushing part, a carefully constrained sketch was made in the X-Y plane as shown in Figure 1a. Figure 2b After making the sketch, the revolve too was used to revolve the sketch using the Y-Plane as the Centerline axis, and it was revolved 360 degrees as shown above in Figure 1b. Figure 2c After the revolution is complete, here is the bushing halfway finished. By sketching is the way shown in Figure 1a, an Edge Blend at the top edge is not necessary at this time. Figure 2d Next, a sketch of a circle with a 0. 4 inch diameter is made on the top of the extrude about the center to create the hole in the bushing, as shown in Figure 1d. Figure 2e When the sketch is finished, the circle is extruded a little past the actual length of the bushing to ensure it goes all the way through. Material is subtracted under Boolean to create the hole, shown above in Figure 1e. Figure 2f Here is the finished bushing after the hole is extruded, as shown above in Figure 1f. Not much commands involved in making this part, being one of the simplest part to model. The Shaft Figure 3a To create the shaft, first a circle of 0. 3 diameter was made about the origin as shown above in Figure 2a. Figure 3b After sketching the circle, it was extruded to a length of 5. 6 inches as shown in Figure 2b. Figure 3c Here is the finished shaft part, comprised of just one sketch extruded. This was the simplest part to model in that there was not much commands involved in creating it The Wheel Figure 4a The next part modeled is the wheel of the skateboard. First, start off with a Sketch and create a Circle about the origin with a diameter of 1. 97 inches, shown above in Figure 4a. Figure 4b Next, we want to extrude that circle to a distance of 1. 18 inches, but no Boolean operations are required for this extrude, since it is a normal extrude, shown in Figure 4b. Figure 4c After the extrude, you should have a basic cylindrical drum, which is the overall outline of the part, shown above in Figure 4c. Figure 4d Next, the rounds for the wheel must be created. Using the Edge Blend tool, we select both the top circular edge and the bottom circular edge, and give them a radius of 0. inches, as shown in Figure 4d. Figure 4e After the edge blend is complete, the overall figure of the wheel should look like the one shown above in Figure 4e. Figure 4f Next, a sketch needs to be created on the top surface of the wheel. Do this by hitting the sketch tool, and place it on the top surface of the wheel. After that, use the Circle tool to create a circ le about the origin (middle of the wheel) to a diameter of 0. 89 inches. Figure 4g Now, an extrude must be done of the previous sketch created on the top plane. Use the Extrude tool, and select the previous circular sketch. The extrude needs to take material away to create an indent into the part, so a subtraction Boolean must be used to subtract material. The depth of the extrude will be 0. 16 inches, shown above in Figure 4g. Figure 4h After the extrude, the part should look like this, a wheel with rounds and an small indentation, shown above in Figure 4h. Figure 4i Next, another extrude on the bottom surface of the wheel is required, but first, a sketch must be created. First, hit the Sketch tool, and then select the bottom surface of the wheel. Next, use the Circle tool to create a circle with a 0. diameter about the origin, shown above in Figure 4i. Figure 4j After creating the sketch, we want to extrude it all the way through the material to create a hole from one side to the other. Use the Extrude tool and select the previous sketch, and under Boolean, select subtract. The distance will be 1. 18 inches, as the extrude in Figure 4b was also done to 1. 18 inches. Figure 4k After the extrude is comp lete, the part should now look like the one shown in Figure 4k, with a hole through the entire part. Figure 4l Finally, an extrude on the bottom of the wheel is required to finish the part. Start off by using the Sketch tool, and place it on the bottom plane, where the previous extrude was created. Next, use the Circle tool to make a circle about the origin, with a diameter of 0. 89 inches, as shown above in Figure 4l. Figure 4m Now, use the Extrude tool and select the sketch that was just drawn. Extrude it to a depth of 0. 12 inches, and since material must be taken away, use the Subtract feature under Boolean to subtract the material. Figure 4n Here is the finished wheel part, shown above in Figure 4n. Both sides of the wheel should look the same, two extrudes inward, and 1 hole through the middle. The Connection Figure 5a To start off the first of two complex parts, a carefully constrained sketch of the base is made, as shown above in Figure 5a. The top half was created first (above the XC plane) and the Mirror tool was used to create the bottom half (the XC axis was used as a Centerline) Figure 5b Next, using the Extrude tool, extrude the sketch to a distance of 0. 3 inches, as shown above in Figure 5b. No Boolean operation required, just a simple extrude. Figure 5c After the extrude is complete, the part should look like the one shown above in Figure 5c. Figure 4d Next, insert a datum plane on the top of the surface of the extruded part, as shown above in Figure 4d. The next Extrude will be placed on top of this plane. Figure 4e Next, use the Sketch tool and place it on top of the previously created Datum Plane. Then create two circles and lines tangent to the surface of the extrude, as shown above in Figure 4e. Figure 5f Next, use the Extrude tool to extrude the previous sketch to a distance of 0. 691 inches, and use the Unite option under the Boolean toolbar, to unite the extrude with the first extrude, making one part. Figure 5g After the extrude is complete, here is the updated part, shown above in Figure g. Figure 5h Use the Drafting tool to draft down the previously created extrude, using an angle of 10 degrees, as shown above in Figure 5h Figure 5i After the Draft is complete, here is the updated part, shown above in Figure 5i. Figure 5j Next, use the Sketch tool, and sketch the shape shown above on the bottom surface of the part, as shown above in Figure 5j. Figure 5k Using the Extrude tool, extrude the previous sketch to a distance of 0. 2 inches. Since material must be removed, use the Subtract option under the Boolean Bar. Figure 5l Here is the updated part after the Extrude is complete, as shown above in Figure 5l. Figure 5m Using the Sketch Tool, place the sketch on the bottom surface of the part, and create a circle with a diameter of 0. 6 inches about the centerline, and the center of circle 0. 47 inches away from the side of the previous extrude. Figure 5n Using the Extrude tool, extrude the previous sketch to a depth of 0. 2 inches, and select the Unite option under the Boolean toolbar, to unite the extrude with the overall part. Figure 5o After the Extrude is complete, here is the updated part, shown above in Figure 5o. Figure 5p Using the Sketch tool, create a . 22 x . 44 inch rectangle that is . 076 inches off of the bottom plane extrude, as shown above in Figure 5p. Figure 5q Insert a datum plane, on the left (or right) side of the part, using an offset of 5 inches away from the center of the part, as shown above in Figure 5q. Figure 5r Using the Sketch tool, create a sketch on the previously created datum plane and use the dimensions shown above in Figure 5r. Figure 5s Using the Extrude tool, extrude the previously created sketch and extrude it to a value that goes past the part completely (I used 10 inches for safe measure), and under Boolean choose the Intersect option to create an extrude of the shape. Figure 5t After the extrude is complete, the updated part is shown above in Figure 5t. Note the shape has now taken form of the sketch created on the datum plane. Figure 5u Use the sketch tool to create a sketch on the right side of the line of separation, specifically a circle of diameter of . 45 inches, the center a distance of 0. 381 inches away from the line of separation, and a distance of 0. 33 inches from the centerline. Figure 5v Using the Extrude tool, extrude the previous sketch to a distance of 0. 7 inches, using the subtract option under the Boolean toolbar, since material must be taken away to create a hole, shown above in Figure 5v. Figure 5w Figure 5w shows the updated part after the extrude, including the hole just created from the extrude. Figure 5x Using the Sketch tool, sketch a circle on the surface of the opposite side of where the previous extrude was placed. The diameter of the circle is 0. 95 inches, and the offset off of the YC plane is 0. 506 inches, as shown above in Figure 5x. Figure 5y Using the Extrude tool, extrude the previously created sketch to a distance of 0. 12 inches, using the Subtract option under the Boolean toolbar, since material must be taken away, as shown in Figure 5y. Figure 5z Here is the updated part after the extrude is complete, as shown above in Figure 5z. Figure 5aa Using the Sketch tool, create a sketch where the previous extrude was made, and using the same center point as the last extrude, create a circle with a diameter of 0.. 4 inches, as shown above in Figure 5aa. Figure 5ab Using the Extrude tool, extrude the previously created sketch to a depth of 0. 1 inches, using the Subtract option under the Boolean Toolbar, since material must be subtracted, as shown in Figure 5ab. Figure 5ac Here is the updated part after the previous extrude, showing the new hole created, as shown above in Figure 5ac. Figure 5ad Insert a datum plane relative to the face of the last extrude, and offset it to 0. 32 inches going into the part, as shown above in Figure 5ad. Figure 5ae Using the Extrude tool, extrude the sketch of the rectangle on the bottom face of the part, but do not use a distance as the end, use the Until Extended feature and select the previously created datum plane as the End. Use the Subtract feature under the Boolean toolbar to remove material, as shown above in Figure 5ae. Figure 5af Here is the finished Connection part, as shown above in Figure 5af. The Bearing Figure 6a First, to start the bearing, create a sketch and place it in the X-Y plane, using the dimensions given. The sketch shown above in Figure 6a was created by drawing the left side first, and then using the Mirror Curve tool to mirror it across a line that was drawn (now erased) to use as a centerline. Figure 6b Next, draw a line from the bottom of both ends of the first sketch, onnecting the two like the one shown in Figure 6b. This was done in order to avoid a problem with the Extrude that is about to be performed. Figure 6c After the sketch is finished, use the Extrude tool to extrude the sketch to a distance of 0. 325 inches. No Boolean Operation is necessary here as it is just a normal extrude. Figure 6d After the extrude is finished, use the Sketch tool to create a sketch, shown abov e in Figure 6d, and place it on the top plane. No Mirror was used here. Figure 6e Next, use the Extrude tool to extrude the sketch previously created to a distance of 0. 11 inches. Use the subtract option under the Boolean toolbar, since material here is being removed to make a hollow space. Figure 6f On the bottom plane, create a sketch like the one shown in Figure 6d using the sketch tool. Note that a mirror was not used in this sketch either. Figure 6g After creating the sketch, use the Extrude tool to extrude it to a distance of 0. 06 inches. Another Subtraction Boolean is necessary here, since material needs to be removed to create a hollow space, shown in Figure 6g. Figure 6h Once the extrude is complete, return to the top plane, and create a sketch oriented like the one shown above in Figure 6h. Figure 6i After the sketch is complete, use the extrude tool to extrude the sketch a distance of 0. 12 inches, using the Subtract option in the Boolean toolbar, shown above in Figure 6i. Figure 6j After the first extrude is complete, another extrude is done to make the hole completely hollow, like the one shown in Figure 6j. Figure 6k Once the extrude is complete, insert a datum plane in the middle of the sketch, but relative to the Y-Z plane, like the one shown in Figure 6k. Figure 6l Create a sketch on the recently inserted datum plane, specifically 2 concentric circles that are both 0. inches and 0. 65 inches in diameter. The centers of the circles are to be placed on the top edge of the sketch, as shown above in figure 6l. Figure 6m Next, use the Extrude tool to extrude the sketch created on the datum plane. Use the Symmetric Value option under End, and use the value of 3. 34/2, to give an exact extrude. Under Boolean, select the Unite option, to have the extrude united with the part. Figure 6n Once the extrude is complete, use the Edge Blend tool and select the edge of the top hollow extrude, shown above in Figure 6n. Give it a radius of 0. 02 inches. Figure 6o Next, create an edge blend on the bottom surface of the first hollow extrude, as shown in Figure 6o above. This is also a radius of 0. 02 inches. Figure 6p Next, use the Edge Blend tool and select the top and bottom outer edges, as shown in Figure 6p. Give these a radius of 0. 02 inches. Figure 6q Use the Edge Blend tool and switch to the bottom plane of the part. Select the bottom edge of the hollow extrude, shown above in Figure 6q. Give this a radius of 0. 02 inches. Figure 6r Next, use the Edge Blend tool and select the top edge of the hollow extrude, as shown above in Figure 6r. Make this a radius of 0. 02 inches also. Figure 6s Next, create a sketch on the bottom plane with the dimensions shown above in Figure 6s. No Mirror tool was used here. Figure 6t Now, we want to get rid of the protruding face inside the circular extrude. Hit the Delete Face tool and select that part, and click OK. Figure 6u Next, create a datum plane . 4 inches away from the bottom face of the part, as shown above in Figure 6u. Figure 6v Next, create a sketch on the previously created datum plane, using the dimensions shown above in Figure 6v. Figure 6w Create a line from the previous sketch and adjust the dimensions to match the dimensions shown above in Figure 6w. Figure 6x Now, use the Sweep tool to create a sweep that attaches to both the circle drawn on the datum plane shown, and the bottom of the part, shown above in Figure 6x. Figure 6y After the sweep is complete, use the Extrude tool to extrude the circle to a length of . 612 inches, shown above in Figure 6y. Figure 6z Use the Move Face Tool and select the bottom of the previous extrude, as shown above in Figure 6z. Rotate it at an angle of 330 degrees. Figure 6aa Next, use the Edge Blend tool and select the bottom face of the extrude that was just moved. Give it a radius of 0. 05 inches, as shown above in Figure 6aa. Figure 6ab After the Edge blend is complete, here is the finished bearing, as shown above in Figure 6ab, one of the two most complex parts modeled for the skateboard assembly. The Assembly Figure A1 Start off the assembly by opening an assembly file and uploading all the parts of the Skateboard (Bearing, Board, Bushing, Connection, Shaft, and Wheel) to the file, using the Add Component tool, as shown above in Figure A1. Figure A2 Next, start off with the base of the assembly, inserting the board into the assembly environment, as shown above in Figure A2. Figure A3 Next, use the Add Component tool to insert the Connection into the Assembly environment. Use the Move Component tool to adjust the placement of the Connection to just shy of the bottom plane of the Board, as shown above in Figure A3. Figure A4 Using the Assembly Constraints, use the Concentric Feature to align the ottom circles of the connection to the top circles of the bottom plane of the skateboard, and then use the Touch Align Constraint to unite the two components together, shown above in Figure A4. Repeat this for the other side of board as well. Figure A5 Next, use the Add Component tool to insert the Bushing into the Assembly Environment, and use the Move Component tool to create relative spacing for the Assembly Constraints to work. Next, use the Touch Align tool and select the bottom face of the bushing and the face of shallow in sert of the connection, shown above in Figure A5. Repeat for other side of board. Figure A6 Next, use the Add Component to add the Bearing to the Assembly Environment, and use the Move Component tool to make the bearing relatively close to the connection and bushing, creating adequate spacing from the bushing and in line with the hole of the Connection, as shown above in Figure A6. Repeat for other side. Figure A7 Next, use the Add Component to add the Shaft to the Assembly Environment. Use the Move Component tool to move the Shaft relatively close to the Bearing, and then use the Concentric Constraint to match the shaft end to the bearing end, shown above in Figure A7. Repeat for other side of board. Figure A8 Use the Center Constraint tool to make the Shaft centered through the bearing by selecting the two ends of the shaft, and then selecting the two end planes of the bearing, as shown above in Figure A8. Note: This can also be achieved by deleting the former concentric constraint and moving the shaft accordingly using the Move Component tool. Repeat this for other side of board. Figure A9 Insert the wheel into the Assembly Environment, and move it relatively close to the shaft by using the Move Component tool. Use the Concentric constraint and select the small circle of the wheel and the circle created by the intersection of the bearing and the shaft, as shown above in Figure A9. Repeat this for the 3 remaining wheels. Figure A10 Here is the final CAD assembly of the skateboard, live and in color, with all parts/components correctly assembled. Summary Overall, NX is a program that can create complex assemblies from modeled parts, such as the skateboard that was modeled and assembled from several parts. By using simple commands, complex and simple parts were made and constrained in one assembly to ensure the proper appearance and setup. Though the process of creating the parts and assembling them correctly was challenging, the prior knowledge of NX was just enough to create an accurate representation of the skateboard. By using the IGS files for references, simple sketches using the dimensions drafted were just drawn and extruded/rotated to create the parts, and several constraints were used to complete the assembly. Appendix Figure A: The Bearing IGS Figure B: The Board IGS Figure C: The Bushing IGS Figure D: The Connection IGS Figure E: The Shaft IGS Figure F: The Wheel
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Free Essays on Their Eyes Were Watching God And Invisible Man Essay
Life has never been easy for African-Americans. Since this country's formation, the African-American culture has been scorned, disrespected and degraded. It wasn't until the middle of the 21st century that African-American culture began to be looked upon in a more tolerant light. This shift came about because of the many talented African-American writers, actors, speakers and activists who worked so hard to gain respect for themselves and their culture. Two writers were on the front lines of this movement, Zora Neale Hurston and Ralph Ellison. Their novels, Invisible Man and Their Eyes Were Watching God, probed deeply into the life and culture of the African-American, something that was practically unheard of. But not only did their novels shed light on the African culture, but they also shifted away from the traditional Romantic style of writing. Instead of focusing on religion or society, these novels focused on self-awareness, pride, and finding happiness. The merit of these novels pervades every page, but can especially be found in the themes, diction, and characterization. Both novels shared two similar themes: the pursuit of happiness and self-actualization. These themes had to be dealt with tenderly in an intolerant, white-culture society. Both Hurston and Ellison did this beautifully, in that their stories were not forceful nor preachy, but merely simple, candid tales of the lives of two ordinary African-Americans. Also, both authors refused to make their stories a fairy tale. At the end of each novel, neither Janie nor Invisible Man are as happy as they'd like to be. But, both novels focus not on the bittersweet end, but rather what the characters learned before they reached the end. Janie realized that her strength was in herself and her pride, with or without Tea Cake. And Invisible Man realized that "My problem was that I always tried to go in ... Free Essays on Their Eyes Were Watching God And Invisible Man Essay Free Essays on Their Eyes Were Watching God And Invisible Man Essay Life has never been easy for African-Americans. Since this country's formation, the African-American culture has been scorned, disrespected and degraded. It wasn't until the middle of the 21st century that African-American culture began to be looked upon in a more tolerant light. This shift came about because of the many talented African-American writers, actors, speakers and activists who worked so hard to gain respect for themselves and their culture. Two writers were on the front lines of this movement, Zora Neale Hurston and Ralph Ellison. Their novels, Invisible Man and Their Eyes Were Watching God, probed deeply into the life and culture of the African-American, something that was practically unheard of. But not only did their novels shed light on the African culture, but they also shifted away from the traditional Romantic style of writing. Instead of focusing on religion or society, these novels focused on self-awareness, pride, and finding happiness. The merit of these novels pervades every page, but can especially be found in the themes, diction, and characterization. Both novels shared two similar themes: the pursuit of happiness and self-actualization. These themes had to be dealt with tenderly in an intolerant, white-culture society. Both Hurston and Ellison did this beautifully, in that their stories were not forceful nor preachy, but merely simple, candid tales of the lives of two ordinary African-Americans. Also, both authors refused to make their stories a fairy tale. At the end of each novel, neither Janie nor Invisible Man are as happy as they'd like to be. But, both novels focus not on the bittersweet end, but rather what the characters learned before they reached the end. Janie realized that her strength was in herself and her pride, with or without Tea Cake. And Invisible Man realized that "My problem was that I always tried to go in ...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Food and beverage manager Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Food and beverage manager - Research Paper Example Professionalism and efficiency are some of the attributes of a good food and beverage manager. This paper will analyze the food and beverage manager in the context of the required education and skills, his duties and responsibilities, his remuneration, and other job opportunities available for him. Food and beverage managers require great customer skills and management skills in their course of work. Hence, for one to become an efficient food and beverage manager, the following minimum qualifications are necessary. One must have completed secondary school level with a least NCEA Level 2. A good foundation in mathematics, accounting, and languages is useful. They should also possess a diploma or degree in business and restaurant management or tourism. They should also be above 18 years of age. Experience in progressive management, fine dining and special event catering, budgeting, and operational financial management accountability are prerequisites. Any experience in cooking, business administration, and working in work in kitchens, bars, and restaurants is a benefit. In fact, two years experience is required before a person qualifies as a food and beverage manager. Since this job involves public and individual relations with customers, it requires good communication skills , conflict resolution, excellent customer service orientation, and good organisation skills. Additionally, since it involves supervision and communism, experience in a union environment and good leadership skills are significant. Similarly, one needs to be flexible in his decisions and easily adapt to eminent changes since this is a dynamic industry. Because the job entails controls and budgeting, skills in inventory management are basic. They should also posses the ability to multi-task and work under pressure since customer levels keep changing (Bureau of Labor Statistics
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
The Beta Group Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Beta Group - Case Study Example Beta became a successful group in corporate world because it created and offered new technological solutions in certain business sectors such as medical, consumer products, and industrial technology. The group actually identified where the gaps exist in the market and how they could be matched through use of technology and research & development. The actual business model of The Beta Group is known as Business Engineering that refers to development of a concept and business strategy through comprehensive marker research followed by analysis of potential and scope of certain products and technologies. Indeed, the group first identifies an opportunity in the marketplace after which it initiates research and evaluates the competition, underlying issues and how the needs could be met. If research proves successful then the needs are matched through hunting and development of a proprietary technology or an innovative process. Nevertheless, it is justified to argue that Beta Group has tran slated innovation into value through creation of new technologies by using innovative ideas. As a result, the proprietary technologies have benefited in meeting consumer meets for which no solutions were previously available in market. In short, the aforementioned created value for patients and customers from every walk of life.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Sports Nutrition: Components of Balanced Diet
Sports Nutrition: Components of Balanced Diet DESCRIBE THE COMPONENTS OF A DIET BALANCE (P6 P7) PART A: P6 BALANCED DIET CARBOHYDRATES Our bodies look for carbs as an energy source because they are readily available when there is need for some quick energy. Different foods contain different types of carbohydrates, for example when we are eating candies or cookies we are consuming mostly sugars which are simple carbs. FATS Lipids which are generally known as fats have more calories per gram than other nutrients so they are energy dense nutrients. They are a good form of sustainable energy for endurance activities. PROTEINS Because protein is necessary for growth, repair and development our body uses it as a last alternative source of energy. We get protein from a selection of animal and plant foods. Meat and beans being high quality sources. Protein is broken down into Amino Acids. WATER Water is an important part of all body functions and processes, including digestion and elimination. When youre on a diet, water also acts as a weight-loss aid because it can help you eat less. Drinking water is important during weight loss because it provides hydration without unwanted calories. FIBRE A diet that includes foods that are rich in fiber can help lower blood cholesterol and prevent diabetes and heart disease. When carbohydrates are combined with fiber, it slows the absorption of sugar and regulates insulin response. And food with fiber make us feel full, which discourages overeating. VITAMINS Vitamins are non-caloric, they perform specific tasks at a molecular level and help prevent deficiency diseases. They need to be provided by a diet as our bodies cannot manufacture them. (Except Vitamin D and K) They also help maintain growth and with the nervous and system functions. Some vitamins are also required to produce hormones. Questions: What are the daily recommended allowances for each section? Guideline Daily Amount Values Typical values Women Men Children (5-10 years) Calories 2,000 kcal 2,500 kcal 1,800 kcal Protein 45 g 55 g 24 g Carbohydrate 230 g 300g 220 g Sugars 90 g 120 g 85 g Fat 70 g 95 g 70 g Saturates 20 g 30 g 20 g Fibre 24 g 24 g 15 g Salt 6 g 6 g 4 g Why should some sections be avoided or minimised in consumption? Saturated Fat This is the kind of fat found in butter and lard, pies, cakes and biscuits, fatty cuts of meat, sausages and bacon, and cheese and cream. A diet high in saturated fat raises cholesterol levels and increases the risk of heart disease. If we follow a balanced diet what types of diseases do we avoid? A healthy diet prevents obesity which is caused by a high intake of fat and sugars paired with a lack of physical activity PART B P7: DESCRIBE AN APPROPRIATE TWO-WEEK DIET PLAN FOR A SELECTED SPORTS PERFORMER FOR A SELECTED SPORTS ACTIVITY The main goal of this diet plan is to provide the stated athlete with a healthy balanced diet which will help him with his performance within his main sport and allow him to maintain the right weight that is needed to compete at a high level. Notes: Athlete requirements Maintain body weight Daily Calorie Intake (for maintaining weight) Be able to plan a diet appropriate for a selected sports activity Diet: balanced diet (carbohydrates, fats, proteins, water, fibre, vitamins, minerals) Activities: eg aerobic, anaerobic, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility; timing, eg pre-season, mid-season, post-season, pre-event, inter-event, post event Planning diets: appropriate for selected activity; appropriate for selected sports performer; assessment of needs, eg weight gain, weight loss, muscle gain, fat gain, fat loss; nutrition (macronutrients, micronutrients, fibre); food groups (grains, vegetables, fruits, oils, dairy, meat); sources; availability TASK 10 (P7) Produce a balanced diet plan for a professional athlete of your choice for a two-week period and describe why you have chosen these foods. Week 1 Week 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Breakfast Lunch Pre-training During training Post training Dinner Week 2 Week 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Breakfast Lunch Pre-training During training Post training Dinner (For (M5) explain in detail your chosen food combinations in the above two-week diet)
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Historical Inaccuracies in the Movie Braveheart
The movie Barveheart in 1995, which was starred, produced and directed by Academy Award winner Mel Gibson, depicted (or tried to depict) the life of Scottish hero and patriot Sir William Wallace. The film gained worldwide recoginition, has won five Academy Awards including best picture and best director, and was nominated for another five. It also sparked the interest of many in Scottish history. The film, however, was also criticized about its historical inaccuracies.Indeed, according to historian Elizabeth Ewan, the film â€Å"almost totally sacrifices historical accuracy for epic adventure. †Sharon Krossa pointed out that in the film, â€Å"the events aren't accurate, the dates aren't accurate, the characters aren't accurate, the names aren't accurate, the clothes aren't accurateâ€â€in short, just about nothing is accurate. †Without proper information and understanding of the actual events in Scotland during the time of William Wallace's exploits, one would thi nk that the presentation in the movie is how it really happened during that time.Not much is really known about the life of William Wallace that even the date of his birth is a subject of debate among historians. And much of what is known is based on a fifteenth century poem by aperson known as the Minstrel or Blind Harry. It is the purpose of this paper to present historical facts during the time of William Wallace in contrast to those that were presented in the film. During the beginning of the film, there appears a text stating: â€Å"SCOTLAND 1280 A. D. †, followed by a narration: â€Å"I shall tell you of William Wallace.Historians from England will say I am a liar, but history is written by those who have hanged heroes. The king of Scotland had died without a son, and the king of England, a cruel pagan known as Edward the Longshanks, claimed the throne of Scotland for himself. Scotland's nobles fought him and fough each other over the crown. So Longshanks invited them to talks of truceâ€â€no weapons, one page only. Among the farmers of that shire was Malcolm Wallace, a commoner with his own lands. He had two sonsâ€â€John and William†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This very statement would already have made the film far from fact. As Krossa points out, â€Å"it is the historians from Scotland, far more than from England, who will recognize the errors of the narrator/film. †There is no doubt that the â€Å"king of Scotland†mentioned was King Alexander III. But not only was the â€Å"king of Scotland†not dead in 1280, both of his sons were alive and well, and had an heir to the throne that had outlived him for four years. King Alexander III fell from his horse and broke his neck causing his death .True enough that all of his childrenâ€â€two sons and a daughterâ€â€were already dead during that time, but it didn't happen until 1986, six years from the film's 1280. The death of Alexander brought Scotland in a political crisis but its nobles acknowledged Margaret, Alexander's three-year-old Norwegian granddaughterâ€â€the product of his daughter's maariage to the King of Norwayâ€â€and his only direct descendant, as inheritor of the kingdom. They appointed a Committee of Guardians â€Å"to govern in the name of the young queen.†However, the two leading claimants of the kingship after Margaret, Robert Bruce of Annandale and John Baliol of Galloway, together with other nobles, apparently refused to â€Å"submit to a female sovereign, especially if she was a child,†and the country was soon â€Å"distracted by the intrigues and conspiracies of the competitors for the crown†. The guardians of England appealed to Edward I, then King of England, to intervene. King Eric II of Norway, the father of Margaret, also asked Edward I's aid to vindicate his daughter's rights.They agreed to marry Margaret, the Maid of Norway, to Edward I's son, the then Prince of Wales, with the view of uniting the crowns of England and Scotland. In 1290, Margaret embarked for Scotland to marry the Prince of Wales but fell sick during the voyage and died at Orkneys at a tender age of merely eight years. This renewed the disputes between claimants. In 1291, Edward I met the nobles of Scotland, apparently to act as arbitrator, but demanded the Scots to recognize his overlordship. This must have been the basis of the film's â€Å"talks of truce†.Recognizing that they do not have the army to oppose Edward I had he decided to invade Scotland instead, the Scots, after long deliberation, finally agreed to recognize Edward I's overlordship. Edward I then finally awarded the Scottish crown to John de Baliol. John de Baliol soon found out that â€Å"the crown which he had obtained by means of a base concession had only transformed him from a poweful noble into the slave of an imperious and exacting master. †He soon revolted against the English crown.Edward launched his armies to Scotl and and on 1296, finally defeated the Scottish army at Dunbar. He demanded â€Å"nothing less than the total surrender†of John de Baliol and his kingdom. Incapable of resistance, the king of Scotland resigned his kingdom into the hands of Edward I. Considering the facts stated above, it was not until 1296 A. D. that the Scots had an actual armed conflict with the English through John de Baliol's short-lived rebellion, and when Edward the Longshanks â€Å"claimed the throne of Scotland for himself†, sixteen years later than the film's 1280 A.D. Edward the Longshanks is also not a pagan. Being the king of England, he is, in fact, a Christianâ€â€a fact that is evidenced by the ceremony of coronation. As John Steane explains: â€Å"the king was invested by the Archbishop of Canterbury with spiritual power as God's annointed, like the kings of Israel before him. Henceforward, the king was set aart from his subjects, at least on a par with, and to some extent superior to, churchmen. †It would be imprudent to think the Archbishop of Canterbury would annoint a non-Christian as King of England.Furthermore, he did not invite the Scottish nobles for â€Å"talks of truce†but presented himself as an arbitrator, which was perhaps a response to an earlier appeal made by the Scots, to the internal conflicts of the Scots themselves. That King Edward I took advantage of the political turmoil that has engulfed Scotland may be true enough but the manner of which it has been presented in the film is nowhere near from truth. The widely accepted, though still debated, father of William Wallace was Malcolm Wallace of Ellerslie, who was descended from ancient knights and baronets of Craigie and who himself is a Scottish knight.Sir Malcolm Wallace was of noble family and not â€Å"a commoner with his own lands. †Although there are sources that say Malcolm Wallace has only two sons, it is also widely accepted that he has at least three sons, an d in any case, Malcolm (same name as the father) or Andrew was the name of the eldest son, William would be the second son while John would be the youngest when Malcolm is presented to have three sons (compare with the film in which John is presented as being older than William).John has also outlived William by two years, compared with the film in which John was presented to have died when William was still a young boy. It should be also noted that Sir Malcolm Wallace (the father) was still alive in 1291, when the Scottish nobles met with Edward I (in contrast with the film wherein he died in 1280). He was one of those who did not accept the claim of overlordship of Edward I and went into self-exile.The inaccuracies stated above happened only during the first few minutes of the film and already there are a lot of them. As the story depicted in the film progresses, there would still be a lot more of inaccuracies. The inaccuracies, however, may be based on the different versions of t he accounts on the life of William Wallaceâ€â€it has already been stipulated that much of his life is unknown that even the date of his birth is debated.We have already established that Edward I was not able to claim Scotland for himself until 1296. However, in 1291, after he misled the nobles of Scotland that he would act as an arbitrator but instead asserted his overlordship and the nobles had to swear allegiance to him, different towns and fortresses of Scotland had already been garrisoned by English soldiers (still 11 years later than the faulty 1280, although, in the film, there appears nothing that suggest that English garrisons were present in Scotland).The English soldiers, considering themselves masters of Scotland, treated the people with great contempt and cruelty, took from them by force whatever they had a fancy to (which most probably include sexual advances), and if the owners offered resistance, they were abused, beat, and sometimes killed; for which acts of viol ence the english authorities neither checked nor punished.Brawls were frequent occurences between the inhabitants and the soldiers and Wallace seldom remained inactive to those which came under his notice, compared with the film's depiction of Scots being totally submissive to such abuses and the depicion of Wallace as a reluctant patriot. It should also be noted that even as a young man, Wallace already displayed his indignation with the English, not only until his wife was murdered as was depicted in the film.Fact of the matter is that he was outlawed even before the Battle of Dunbar in 1296 where the English had totally defeated King John Baliol's forces and King Edward has taken the throne for himself. He would have been 20-24 years of age during this time if we consider his birth to be between 1272 to 1276, and 15-19 when the English had started setting up garrisons in Scotland.William Wallace â€Å"had witnessed as a boy the independence, the security and the happiness of his country, under the reign of Alexander, and the contrast which he†beheld upon the establishment of English garrisons that roused the feelings in his heart which have â€Å"been animated by a love of liberty and a hatred of tyranny and dissimulation, that nothing but death could extinguish. †The same is true for most of the Scots during that time. Prima Nocte, or the right for a lord to bed the bride on the first night of her wedding day, was also mentioned in the film.It was presented to be one of the oppressions made by the English to the â€Å"sons of Scotland. †The Jus Primae Noctis, or the law of first night, was introduced in the fifteenth century medieval Europe, at least a century later from the death of William Wallace. It was apparently â€Å"developed by the lords and used as humiliating signs of superiority over the dependent peasants. †Edward the Longshanks, in the film, said that â€Å"the problem about Scotland is that it is full of Scot s. †He further asserts that â€Å"if we can't drive them out, we'll breed them out.†Thus, in the film, Prima Nocte was justified as a means to â€Å"breed out†the Scots from Scotland. It is not in the interest of Edward I, however, to â€Å"drive out†the Scots, but, perhaps, only to invade them and expand his territory. There are, in fact, many Scottish nobles that held land in England, regardless they were granted these lands in exchange of them swearing allegiance to the English Crown, much as there were English nobles who held lands in Scotland. However, there are little, if not none at all, evidence that Jus Primae Noctis was practiced in the fifteenth century, much less during the time of William Wallace.While rape and murder most certainly occurred during the English exploits in Scotland, Prima Nocte most probably did not. It is flagrantly adulturous in the eyes of the Church and England, being a Christian country, could not tolerate such an abus e, much less putting it into a law. For most historians, Prima Nocta is but a myth. Even some of the momentous events in the history of Scotland with a major participation of Sir William Wallace was depicted in the film with much inaccuracies.There are two major battles depicted in the filmâ€â€the Battle of Stirling Bridge and the Battle of Falkirkâ€â€which were both parts of the Scottish Wars of Independence. It is very easy to notice that the film did not include a bridge in the Battle of Stirling Bridge, which, as the name already implies, includes a bridge. Perhaps the creators of the film mistook this particular battle for the Battle of Stirling which happened in 1648, more than three centuries after the death of William Wallace.It is important to note that the bridge itself was a major factor for the victory of the Scots against the English during that battle, that despite the advantage in numbers of the English army the Scots still prevailed. The English would have to cross the bridge, which at that time was so narrow that it could be crossed only with at most two horses abreast at a time and would have taken the them several hours to cross, after which they would enter a narrow loop in the River Forth that will leave their flank dangerously exposed to attack even before they were ready for battle, thereby nullifying their advantage in numbers.The participation of Andrew Murray was also not included in the film. Also in contrast with the film, the battle did not commence when Wallace arrived at the scene. Fact is that Wallace's and Murray's armies were already waiting on the opposite bank of the river when the English, headed by John de Warrene, Earl of Surrey, arrived at Stirling Bridge. Even after that, Warrene decides to delay crossing the bridge for several days to allow for negotiations.Two Dominican friars were sent to Wallace to demand their surrender with which Wallace replied: â€Å"Tell your commander that we are not here to make peac e but to do battle, defend ourselves and liberate our kingdom. Let them come on, and we shall prove this in their very beards. †Compared with the film, this speech was more solemn and educated, not a taunting challenge. The English, confident of their advantage in numbers and military superiority, were surprised by the refusal of the Scots to surrender and on the 11th of September 1297 decided to cross the bridge.Wallace's speech in the film was not characteristic of nobles during the thirteenth century or at any other time, not with â€Å"kiss his own arse†language. Compare also the film's presentation that the English negotiated with other Scottish nobles when it was with Wallace they negotiated with. The film also depicted those Scottish nobles introducing Wallace to the English lords when, fact of the matter is, Wallace had already gained popularity at that time with the Scots and the English alike. The Battle of Falkirk also suffered much inaccuracies in the film .In the film, Wallace used the schiltrons to resist the enemy's heavy infantry at the Battle of Stirling Bridge. Although, Wallace really used long spears to achieve his victory, the schiltron was never really used in that particular battle. Instead the schiltron was used at the Battle of Falkirk, from which the film failed to include. Wallace had no need for the schiltron at the Battle of Stirling Bridge as it is mainly a defensive tactic against heavy cavalry. Although the English started moving first by crossing the Stirling Bridge, it was really Wallace who started the attack.On the otherhand, Wallace knew he was at a disadvantage at Falkirk and readied his men in a defensive formation, which was mainly with the use of schiltrons. Knowing that the cavalry is useless against the schiltron, Edward I ordered his cavalry to attack the Scottish archers. Edward I did not order to loose arrows with his infantry in a melee with the Scots, as was depicted in the film. Instead, he ordered the arrows loose upon the schiltrons, which were in no position for defense against such attack.It was in such manner that the Scots were defeated in the said battle, which the film failed to present properly. It is true enough that the Scottish cavalry, under the command of the other nobles, â€Å"shamelessly rode off the field, without a blow being given or taken,†but detail by detail, the film's depiction of the Battle of Falkirk is in no way accurate. As for clothing and armor, the poem by Blind Harry gives us a short description as to how William Wallace looks like in battle: A habergione under his goune he war, A steylle capleyne in his bonet but marr;His glowis of plait in claith war couerit wiell In his doublet a closs coler of steyle; His face he kepit, for it was euir bar, With his twa handis, the quhilk full worthi war. †George Grant gives us a simple explanation. The habergione was a sort of chain-mail or ring-mail, extremely light and flexible, allowing the greatest freedom to the motions of the wearer, whether on foot or horseback. It was brought into Scotland by the crusaders in the beginning of the reign of Alexander III. During the period of Wallace, they appear to have been in general use both in England and Scotland.The goune was the surcoat, or coat of arms. It was a long, loose dress, without sleeves, open before and behind for the convenience of riding, and girted round the waist by the cingulum militare or belt. It was commonly worn by noblemen. The steylle capleyne, or iron hat had a rim and convex crown and was worn over a hood. The limbs were defended by being encased in boiled leather. Wallace also wore knee-plates of iron and guards for the shin-bones. His shield was round or triangular, would also have been made of iron (not wood as the film depicted).He also kept a dagger folded back under the arm, between the wrist and the elbow, when not in use, and concealed and secured in that position by the cloth of gloves wh ich appears to have worn over his glowis of plait, or arm-plate. His favorite weapon was a two-handed sword, or claymore, which his great strength enabled him to wield with ease. The mace and spear was sometimes also used by him. Paintings and sculptures of Wallace depict him in much the same way as described above. Wallace, in the film was wearing leather armor and kilts, very much in contrast with historical facts.No one wore kilts during his time as it were not introduced until in the sixteenth century, three centuries later after his death. Instead, the Scots who were lesser in standing wore tunics, its nobles were culturally similar with their English counterparts and would have dressed like them. There are much more historical inaccuracies in the film. The bottomline is that the film really is of an epic adventure genre, something short of a fantasy, not a historical presentation. A few mistakes on the details would be forgivable, but to change the story based on facts, an in a grand scale besides, deserves to be rejected as historical.Krossa suggests not to believe anything depicted in the film if one is truly intrested in what really happened during that time. There are elements in the film that coincide with history but that the elements leading up to those coincidences would need to be properly explained to fit to the real history, which the film obviously failed to present. She said that â€Å"it is far safer, and far more efficient, to just ignore the whole film, as regards history, and read a good Scottish history instead. †She adds, however, â€Å"to enjoy the film†¦by all meansâ€â€just as one enjoys Star Wars or any other work of imaginationâ€â€simply do not mistake it for history. †Bibliography BBC. â€Å"The Battle of Stirling Bridgeâ€â€Factsheet. †Available from http://www. bbc. co. uk/history/scottishhistory/independence/trails_independence_stirlingbridge. shtml. Internet; accessed May 4, 2008. Edgar, John George. Memorable Events of Modern History. (1862) Ewan, Elizabeth. â€Å"Braveheart. †American Historical Review 100, no. 4 (1995): 1219–1221. Grant, George. The Life and Adventures of Sir William Wallace: The Liberator of Scotland. Dublin: James M'Glashan (1849) Kock, John T.Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO (2006). Krossa, Sharon L. â€Å"Braveheart Errors: An Illustration of Scale. †Medieval Scotland (2002). Krossa, Sharon L. â€Å"Regarding the Film Braveheart. †Medieval Scotland (2001). Mitchison, Rosalind. A History of Scotland. Routledge, 2002. Rodger, Robert. Documents Illustrative of Sir William Wallace, His Life and Times. (1841) Rowan, Frederica. History of Scotland. 1851. Steane, John. The Archeology of the Medieval English Monarchy. Routledge, 1999. Wettlaufer, Jorg. â€Å"The jus primae noctis as a male power display: A review of historic sources with
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